Cass Crossfingers - A bifurcatum cultivar.
The top three pictures are of my Sire which I acquired in September 2006 from Doug Eckel.
This staghorn fern can take temperatures from 40 to 95 degrees - they are kept outside year long. This cultivar prefers morning light or a dappled light all day with a mild breeze.
The mounting medium is AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss and then the fern is attached to redwood boards with 40lb monofilament fishing line, garden tape or other strapping material. When fertilizing - I use either Miracle-Gro or Superthrive every 3rd or 4th watering. While most of the mountings seem larger than necessary, this fern will cover the boards in 3 to 4 years.
There are various sizes of Cass Crossfingers that are currently available for sale. If interested please e-mail me at
The top three pictures are of my Sire which I acquired in September 2006 from Doug Eckel.
This staghorn fern can take temperatures from 40 to 95 degrees - they are kept outside year long. This cultivar prefers morning light or a dappled light all day with a mild breeze.
The mounting medium is AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss and then the fern is attached to redwood boards with 40lb monofilament fishing line, garden tape or other strapping material. When fertilizing - I use either Miracle-Gro or Superthrive every 3rd or 4th watering. While most of the mountings seem larger than necessary, this fern will cover the boards in 3 to 4 years.
There are various sizes of Cass Crossfingers that are currently available for sale. If interested please e-mail me at